Originally created in 2005 and developed in 2015, Demon Force is the very first original animated series I created where I began to work as music composer, writer, director and voice actor. The story of this series begins with a dragon named Leon Demon who has been rose by a young human couple named as Cosmo Hartman and Wanda Strong. As Leon has the urge to know what did happen to his biological parents, Leon decides go to find answer and in his pursuit, he meets a man named Oripus who seems to know something about Leon’s origin. When Leon returns to his town, it’s destroyed and Leon finds his foster parents save in a military base where something had happen in the laboratory. The security guards and its commanders Mary Steel and Blaster try to discover the truth about what they are working for and they find out that the laboratory was working in an experiment known as The Demon Force Proyect which Oripus wants to create a legion composed by high technology, genetic experiments and other living nightmares. Even they meet a masked man named Lince who has been hired by Oripus, but betrayed after fall in the same trap that his targets. Now Leon in company of Cosmo, Wanda, Mary, Blaster and Lince; must fight against the project’s creations that are on the loose and that is how this character will become in a team dedicated to protect the human civilization.