Situationships ain't got no correlation
2 relationships that's reaching what we chasin
And I ain't never had no patience don't like waiting
I know what I don't and what I wanna do
It don't matter what the signs say
Baby why you playin mind games
Can we for times sake
Get straight to the point cus hey
It don't matter if we lie and say
We only known each other 9 days
Don't say too much
We ain't gotta tell em bout us cus we just Vibin
We ain't gotta call it love
Cus we just Vibin
Just cus you at my house 3 in the morning
You know what it is floating like this
It's an open invitation
To late night conversations
Slow jams in rotation
Hands around your waist and hearts racing
Catch waves of the
No over compensations
I'm over complications
Ohhh baby cus
It don't matter if we lie and say
We only known each other 9 days
Don't say too much
We ain't gotta tell em bout us cus we just Vibin
We ain't gotta call it love cus we just Vibin
Just cus you at my house 3 in the morning
You know what it is floating like this
Vibin (Vibin)
(Vibin) oooh
If you need some reassurance
Lemme give you some insurance
Call me your lover your homie
I will never leave you lonely
Give it to me like you owe me
Tie it up like we in OT
Ooh Baby
We ain't gotta tell em bout us cus we just Vibin
We ain't gotta call it love cus we just Vibin
(We Vibin)
Just cus you at my house 3 in the morning
You know what it is floating like this
Vibin (Vibin)
Ooohhhh (Vibin)
Situationships ain't got no correlation
2 relationships that's reaching what we chasin
And I ain't never had no patience don't like waiting
I know what I don't and what I wanna do
It don't matter what the signs say
Baby why you playin mind games
Can we for times sake
Get straight to the point cus hey
It don't matter if we lie and say
We only known each other 9 days
Don't say too much
We ain't gotta tell em bout us cus we just Vibin
We ain't gotta call it love
Cus we just Vibin
Just cus you at my house 3 in the morning
You know what it is floating like this
It's an open invitation
To late night conversations
Slow jams in rotation
Hands around your waist and hearts racing
Catch waves of the
No over compensations
I'm over complications
Ohhh baby cus
It don't matter if we lie and say
We only known each other 9 days
Don't say too much
We ain't gotta tell em bout us cus we just Vibin
We ain't gotta call it love cus we just Vibin
Just cus you at my house 3 in the morning
You know what it is floating like this
Vibin (Vibin)
(Vibin) oooh
If you need some reassurance
Lemme give you some insurance
Call me your lover your homie
I will never leave you lonely
Give it to me like you owe me
Tie it up like we in OT
Ooh Baby
We ain't gotta tell em bout us cus we just Vibin
We ain't gotta call it love cus we just Vibin
(We Vibin)
Just cus you at my house 3 in the morning
You know what it is floating like this
Vibin (Vibin)
Ooohhhh (Vibin)
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