Baby you the reason
Baby you feel tha
For you my heart’s bleeding
Baby you
Je veux burler
Je veux brillé
You a rich man
Bitches are your things man
Play me like a violin
But don’t you get violent
I have my reasons
My feelings like a freezer
If you wanna melt my heart
Gimme your card and please me
These bitches respect my name
All these white bitches the same
I’m hot like days in LA
Trust time only to patek
Baby you the reason
Baby you feel that
For you my heart’s bleeding
Baby you
Je veux burler
Je veux brillé
I shine bright
I’m not shy every night
You bring out my wild side
Life’s easy
I took a trip to Ibiza
Cartier rings and a visa
I’ll please myself before I please ya
And I’ll please ya
Baby you the reason
Baby you feel that
For you my heart’s bleeding
Baby you
Je veux burler
Je veux brillé
Je veux burler
Je veux brillé
Baby you the reason
Baby you feel tha
For you my heart’s bleeding
Baby you
Je veux burler
Je veux brillé
You a rich man
Bitches are your things man
Play me like a violin
But don’t you get violent
I have my reasons
My feelings like a freezer
If you wanna melt my heart
Gimme your card and please me
These bitches respect my name
All these white bitches the same
I’m hot like days in LA
Trust time only to patek
Baby you the reason
Baby you feel that
For you my heart’s bleeding
Baby you
Je veux burler
Je veux brillé
I shine bright
I’m not shy every night
You bring out my wild side
Life’s easy
I took a trip to Ibiza
Cartier rings and a visa
I’ll please myself before I please ya
And I’ll please ya
Baby you the reason
Baby you feel that
For you my heart’s bleeding
Baby you
Je veux burler
Je veux brillé
Je veux burler
Je veux brillé
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