Nobody knows what awaits him at each dawn,
we just have to deposit our day
in the hands of GOD and have FAITH
that it will be a good day
we have to live
with positivity
the little things
of everyday life
even if it seems like just another day
it's up to you to turn it into something
more than a simple day
Don't get invaded
negative thoughts
sure you will receive a signal
Look for a symbol of faith and life
December 8
Immaculate Conception's Day
a symbol of faith and life
I believe that FAITH is;
do everything in our power
and what we cannot, the impossible we will believe
God is on our side
Nobody knows what awaits him at each dawn,
we just have to deposit our day
in the hands of GOD and have FAITH
that it will be a good day
we have to live
with positivity
the little things
of everyday life
even if it seems like just another day
it's up to you to turn it into something
more than a simple day
Don't get invaded
negative thoughts
sure you will receive a signal
Look for a symbol of faith and life
December 8
Immaculate Conception's Day
a symbol of faith and life
I believe that FAITH is;
do everything in our power
and what we cannot, the impossible we will believe
God is on our side
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