I thought I could protect you
From paying for my sins
And I been walking this earth
Long enough that death's a gift (Oh, girl)
Been living this life so patient
Until I see you again, it's war we're facin'
I know that if I die, my only choice is still defending
No matter what they say
My love for you is greater than their powers
And their armies from above
You give me strength
I'm with you either way
If I die, if I stay
Give me strength
I'm with you either way
Nothing's lost, no more pain
Just give me strength
The scars and the wounds
I wear them proud like tattoos
Reminds me that I lost you
Reminds me that I'll be
Living this life so patient
Until I see you again, it's war we're facin'
I know that if I die, my only choice is still defending
No matter what they say
My love for you is greater than their powers
And their armies from above
You give me strength
I'm with you either way
If I die, if I stay
Give me strength
I'm with you either way
Nothing's lost, no more pain
Just give me strength
I thought I could protect you
From paying for my sins
And I been walking this earth
Long enough that death's a gift (Oh, girl)
Been living this life so patient
Until I see you again, it's war we're facin'
I know that if I die, my only choice is still defending
No matter what they say
My love for you is greater than their powers
And their armies from above
You give me strength
I'm with you either way
If I die, if I stay
Give me strength
I'm with you either way
Nothing's lost, no more pain
Just give me strength
The scars and the wounds
I wear them proud like tattoos
Reminds me that I lost you
Reminds me that I'll be
Living this life so patient
Until I see you again, it's war we're facin'
I know that if I die, my only choice is still defending
No matter what they say
My love for you is greater than their powers
And their armies from above
You give me strength
I'm with you either way
If I die, if I stay
Give me strength
I'm with you either way
Nothing's lost, no more pain
Just give me strength
Vídeos de tendencias
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5,7kVídeos de música
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