Midnight, it's time to put your face on
Game set, a killer shark in heels
I'm just the first shot on your hit list
High kicks, a predator on wheels
Woke up with bruises on my body
Hands tied, like Jesus on the cross
Your name's in lipstick on the mirror
I don't know how you got in my blood
Was it the dangerous things you do?
You always wanted to be a star
If you're the hunter then I'm the prey
You lick your lips as you walk away
Your final kiss is to leave a scar
On a heart
At night you turn into a tiger
A girl who looks like she's a boy
The world's most ultimate survivor
Jezebel (Jezebel)
I don't know how you got in my blood (Jezebel)
Was it the dangerous things you do? (Jezebel)
You always wanted to be a star
Jezebel (Jezebel)
If you're the hunter then I'm the prey (Jezebel)
You lick your lips as you walk away (Jezebel)
Your final kiss is to leave a scar
On a heart
Sunrise, you crawl under the covers
Sleep tight until the dying sun
Tonight you'll catch another lover
Jezebel (Jezebel)
I don't know how you got in my blood (Jezebel)
Was it the dangerous things you do? (Jezebel)
You always wanted to be a star
Jezebel (Jezebel)
If you're the hunter then I'm the prey (Jezebel)
You lick your lips as you walk away (Jezebel)
Your final kiss is to leave a scar
On a heart
Jezebel (Jezebel)
Jezebel (Jezebel)
Midnight, it's time to put your face on
Game set, a killer shark in heels
I'm just the first shot on your hit list
High kicks, a predator on wheels
Woke up with bruises on my body
Hands tied, like Jesus on the cross
Your name's in lipstick on the mirror
I don't know how you got in my blood
Was it the dangerous things you do?
You always wanted to be a star
If you're the hunter then I'm the prey
You lick your lips as you walk away
Your final kiss is to leave a scar
On a heart
At night you turn into a tiger
A girl who looks like she's a boy
The world's most ultimate survivor
Jezebel (Jezebel)
I don't know how you got in my blood (Jezebel)
Was it the dangerous things you do? (Jezebel)
You always wanted to be a star
Jezebel (Jezebel)
If you're the hunter then I'm the prey (Jezebel)
You lick your lips as you walk away (Jezebel)
Your final kiss is to leave a scar
On a heart
Sunrise, you crawl under the covers
Sleep tight until the dying sun
Tonight you'll catch another lover
Jezebel (Jezebel)
I don't know how you got in my blood (Jezebel)
Was it the dangerous things you do? (Jezebel)
You always wanted to be a star
Jezebel (Jezebel)
If you're the hunter then I'm the prey (Jezebel)
You lick your lips as you walk away (Jezebel)
Your final kiss is to leave a scar
On a heart
Jezebel (Jezebel)
Jezebel (Jezebel)
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