Talk To Me - Frank Sinatra. En directo "Oldies Goldies". You're always in a great big hurry, grab a kiss and off you scurry. Off to there, and there to who knows where. I'd give the world and all creation for a little conversation, Just a word or two, how are things, what's new? Please talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, Your magical kiss can take me just so far. Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, Don't leave me like this, dangling from a star. You set me all aflame and it's so pleasin', It would be a shame if you were only teasin'. So, my love, before I go, turn the light way down low, And talk to me, talk to me, talk to me. Puedes escuchar y descargar la canción Talk To Me de Frank Sinatra en Tokyvideo.
Talk To Me - Frank Sinatra. En directo "Oldies Goldies". You're always in a great big hurry, grab a kiss and off you scurry. Off to there, and there to who knows where. I'd give the world and all creation for a little conversation, Just a word or two, how are things, what's new? Please talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, Your magical kiss can take me just so far. Talk to me, talk to me, talk to me, Don't leave me like this, dangling from a star. You set me all aflame and it's so pleasin', It would be a shame if you were only teasin'. So, my love, before I go, turn the light way down low, And talk to me, talk to me, talk to me. Puedes escuchar y descargar la canción Talk To Me de Frank Sinatra en Tokyvideo.
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