Stardust - Frank Sinatra. En directo "Oldies Goldies". And now the purple dusk of twilight time Steals across the meadows of my heart High up in the sky the little stars climb Always reminding me that we're apart You wander down the lane and far away Leaving me a song that will not die Love is now the stardust of yesterday The music of the years gone by. Sometimes I wonder, how I spend The lonely nights Dreaming of a song The melody Haunts my reverie And I am once again with you When our love was new And each kiss an inspiration But that was long ago And now my consolation is in the stardust of a song Besides the garden wall, when stars are bright You are in my arms The nightingale Tells his fairytale Of paradise, where roses grew Though I dream in vain In my heart it will remain My stardust melody The memory of love's refrain. Puedes escuchar y descargar la canción Stardust de Frank Sinatra en Tokyvideo.
Stardust - Frank Sinatra. En directo "Oldies Goldies". And now the purple dusk of twilight time Steals across the meadows of my heart High up in the sky the little stars climb Always reminding me that we're apart You wander down the lane and far away Leaving me a song that will not die Love is now the stardust of yesterday The music of the years gone by. Sometimes I wonder, how I spend The lonely nights Dreaming of a song The melody Haunts my reverie And I am once again with you When our love was new And each kiss an inspiration But that was long ago And now my consolation is in the stardust of a song Besides the garden wall, when stars are bright You are in my arms The nightingale Tells his fairytale Of paradise, where roses grew Though I dream in vain In my heart it will remain My stardust melody The memory of love's refrain. Puedes escuchar y descargar la canción Stardust de Frank Sinatra en Tokyvideo.
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