I was told at six years old
They'd avoid me if my heart was cold
Found it hard to talk and speak my mind
They never liked the things that I would like
Cause you're told to play but you're not the same
As the other kids playing the same games
Try to jump on in but they push away
So far away...
I'm not the same, no
I'm not the same, no
Years went by I tried and tried
My father asked me if today I smiled
I said — "yes, I did" — but that's a lie
Oh, I always tell those lies
Then you run and hide, hide the break inside
Till you realize that the light shines bright
Through those, oh, who've broke inside
I'm not the same, no
I'm not the same, no
I'm not the same, no
I'm not the same, no
Cause you never want to be the kind of person
Who can't work it for those ones who can not word it
Cause you've been the kind of person who felt this pain
Oh, yeah, I felt this pain
So you go and leave the pain and find another way
To make yourself another game, maybe one for all to play
Because it's not just me who's not the same, we're not the same
We're not the same, no...
We're not the same, no...
We're not the same, no!
We're not the same, no!
I was told at six years old
They'd avoid me if my heart was cold
Found it hard to talk and speak my mind
They never liked the things that I would like
Cause you're told to play but you're not the same
As the other kids playing the same games
Try to jump on in but they push away
So far away...
I'm not the same, no
I'm not the same, no
Years went by I tried and tried
My father asked me if today I smiled
I said — "yes, I did" — but that's a lie
Oh, I always tell those lies
Then you run and hide, hide the break inside
Till you realize that the light shines bright
Through those, oh, who've broke inside
I'm not the same, no
I'm not the same, no
I'm not the same, no
I'm not the same, no
Cause you never want to be the kind of person
Who can't work it for those ones who can not word it
Cause you've been the kind of person who felt this pain
Oh, yeah, I felt this pain
So you go and leave the pain and find another way
To make yourself another game, maybe one for all to play
Because it's not just me who's not the same, we're not the same
We're not the same, no...
We're not the same, no...
We're not the same, no!
We're not the same, no!
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