Saint Tail is a legendary thief who steals from thieves and returns stolen goods to their rightful owners. The story revolves around Meimi Haneoka, a 14-year-old girl who leads a normal life during the day, but transforms into Saint Tail at night. With the help of her friend Seira Mimori, a nun-in-training, Meimi uses her skills to recover stolen items and bring justice to those who have been wronged. Saint Tail ---- OP Inst 4K BluRay
Saint Tail is a legendary thief who steals from thieves and returns stolen goods to their rightful owners. The story revolves around Meimi Haneoka, a 14-year-old girl who leads a normal life during the day, but transforms into Saint Tail at night. With the help of her friend Seira Mimori, a nun-in-training, Meimi uses her skills to recover stolen items and bring justice to those who have been wronged. Saint Tail ---- OP Inst 4K BluRay
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