Do you remember?
Said it'd be easier if I was dead
Cause whenever
You try to start something I'm in my head
Pink skies, red wine
I called you mine
I'll make it by your side
I'm in love
Come meet me in the middle
I got lost
Still thinking of September
If we could go back to the start
Bet we'd still be falling apart
I'm not scared to love you
But I'm scared of breaking my heart
If we could go back to the start
Bet we'd still be falling apart
I'm not scared to love you
But I'm scared of breaking my heart
Now I remember
I used to tell you all my deepest fears
When fighting
You used them just to force some tears
Pink skies
Just like when we were fine
Now I'm quiet by your side
I'm in love
Come meet me in the middle
I got lost
Still thinking of September
If we could go back to the start
Bet we'd still be falling apart
I'm not scared to love you
But I'm scared of breaking my heart
If we could go back to the start
Bet we'd still be falling apart
I'm not scared to love you
But I'm scared of breaking my heart
If we go back to the start
You'd still be breaking my heart
If we go back to the start
You'd still be breaking my heart
I'm in love
Come meet me in the middle
I got lost
Still thinking of September
If we could go back to the start
Bet we'd still be falling apart
I'm not scared to love you
But I'm scared of breaking my heart
If we could go back to the start
Bet we'd still be falling apart
I'm not scared to love you
But I'm scared of breaking my heart
If we go back to the start
You'd still be breaking my heart
If we go back to the start
You'd still be breaking my heart
If we go back to the start
You'd still be breaking my heart
If we go back to the start
You'd still be breaking my heart
Do you remember?
Said it'd be easier if I was dead
Cause whenever
You try to start something I'm in my head
Pink skies, red wine
I called you mine
I'll make it by your side
I'm in love
Come meet me in the middle
I got lost
Still thinking of September
If we could go back to the start
Bet we'd still be falling apart
I'm not scared to love you
But I'm scared of breaking my heart
If we could go back to the start
Bet we'd still be falling apart
I'm not scared to love you
But I'm scared of breaking my heart
Now I remember
I used to tell you all my deepest fears
When fighting
You used them just to force some tears
Pink skies
Just like when we were fine
Now I'm quiet by your side
I'm in love
Come meet me in the middle
I got lost
Still thinking of September
If we could go back to the start
Bet we'd still be falling apart
I'm not scared to love you
But I'm scared of breaking my heart
If we could go back to the start
Bet we'd still be falling apart
I'm not scared to love you
But I'm scared of breaking my heart
If we go back to the start
You'd still be breaking my heart
If we go back to the start
You'd still be breaking my heart
I'm in love
Come meet me in the middle
I got lost
Still thinking of September
If we could go back to the start
Bet we'd still be falling apart
I'm not scared to love you
But I'm scared of breaking my heart
If we could go back to the start
Bet we'd still be falling apart
I'm not scared to love you
But I'm scared of breaking my heart
If we go back to the start
You'd still be breaking my heart
If we go back to the start
You'd still be breaking my heart
If we go back to the start
You'd still be breaking my heart
If we go back to the start
You'd still be breaking my heart
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