2 weeks after the last film, Blossom survived and she's recived in Townsville Hall to give a speech. But when Blossom give the promise of find the killer to revenge Bubbles, she doesn't know that the killer has found her and is ready for the next strike.
This sequel of the horror Fan-film "Bubbles Death" now will show us what happen after of the murder of Bubbles. Blossom is alive but she will escape alive once again? You better find it out in this sequel that is a great experience for PPG fans and Dario Argento's fans who enjoyed of "Deep Red".
2 weeks after the last film, Blossom survived and she's recived in Townsville Hall to give a speech. But when Blossom give the promise of find the killer to revenge Bubbles, she doesn't know that the killer has found her and is ready for the next strike.
This sequel of the horror Fan-film "Bubbles Death" now will show us what happen after of the murder of Bubbles. Blossom is alive but she will escape alive once again? You better find it out in this sequel that is a great experience for PPG fans and Dario Argento's fans who enjoyed of "Deep Red".
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