C'mon, baby, come and find me
I can smell you like an animal (Animal)
Bring the party, Aphrodite, and I'll chase you on the dancefloor
You have, you have a snake eyes
And I get, I get butterflies
You have, you have a snake eyes
With the hips, with the sex that could paralyze
And I get, I get butterflies
In my ears, in my stomach all the time
C'mon, baby, come and find me
I can smell you like an animal (Animal)
Bring the party, Aphrodite, and I'll chase you on the dancefloor
C'mon, baby, come and find me
I can smell you like an animal (Animal)
Bring the party, Aphrodite, and I'll chase you on the dancefloor
You have, you have a biting tongue
And it gets, it gets me so unstrung
You have, you have a biting tongue
To tie me up and be in my inner thoughts
And It gets highly dangerous
Like a drug in my veins, you are poison
C'mon, baby, come and find me
I can smell you like an animal (Animal)
Bring the party, Aphrodite, and I'll chase you on the dancefloor
C'mon, baby, come and find me
I can smell you like an animal (Animal)
Bring the party, Aphrodite, and I'll chase you on the dancefloor
C'mon, baby (I can smell you like an animal)
C'mon, baby (I can smell you like an animal)
The way, she knows the way
The way to turn me on
The way, she knows the way
The way to turn me on
C'mon, baby, come and find me
I can smell you like an animal (Animal)
Bring the party, Aphrodite, and I'll chase you on the dancefloor
You have, you have a snake eyes
And I get, I get butterflies
You have, you have a snake eyes
With the hips, with the sex that could paralyze
And I get, I get butterflies
In my ears, in my stomach all the time
C'mon, baby, come and find me
I can smell you like an animal (Animal)
Bring the party, Aphrodite, and I'll chase you on the dancefloor
C'mon, baby, come and find me
I can smell you like an animal (Animal)
Bring the party, Aphrodite, and I'll chase you on the dancefloor
You have, you have a biting tongue
And it gets, it gets me so unstrung
You have, you have a biting tongue
To tie me up and be in my inner thoughts
And It gets highly dangerous
Like a drug in my veins, you are poison
C'mon, baby, come and find me
I can smell you like an animal (Animal)
Bring the party, Aphrodite, and I'll chase you on the dancefloor
C'mon, baby, come and find me
I can smell you like an animal (Animal)
Bring the party, Aphrodite, and I'll chase you on the dancefloor
C'mon, baby (I can smell you like an animal)
C'mon, baby (I can smell you like an animal)
The way, she knows the way
The way to turn me on
The way, she knows the way
The way to turn me on
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