This short video shows a recreation of the first sneeze scene from the hominid We Bare Bears episode based on the sneezing panda’s viral video. This short animated video shows Panda eating a pizza while Grizzly and Ice Bear are by his side watching and Panda begins to sneeze. The idea for this short was recreate the sneezing panda video that had become in a phenomenon in all around the world.
This short video shows a recreation of the first sneeze scene from the hominid We Bare Bears episode based on the sneezing panda’s viral video. This short animated video shows Panda eating a pizza while Grizzly and Ice Bear are by his side watching and Panda begins to sneeze. The idea for this short was recreate the sneezing panda video that had become in a phenomenon in all around the world.
5,4kCOMIC DOBLAJE de Danblec Art
6kCOMIC DOBLAJE de Danblec Art
6kVídeos de ficción
5,8kVídeos de ficción
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