Omega Ovnis Ufos:
OVNI en Tepic Nayarit Mexico - UFO
Fotográfiado por Carlos Medina Ávila - Lunes 11 de mayo, 2008.
The witness claims that the flying saucer had protruding parts at the bottom from which a strange sound came out.
The object remained suspended in the air for a while, at the time of taking the photograph this object disappeared.
The witness took the photo with his mobile phone, then saved it on his computer so as not to lose it.
This case was investigated by various experts. The photograph was analyzed and no type of manipulation or fraud was detected. Omega Ovnis Ufos:
Omega Ovnis Ufos:
OVNI en Tepic Nayarit Mexico - UFO
Fotográfiado por Carlos Medina Ávila - Lunes 11 de mayo, 2008.
The witness claims that the flying saucer had protruding parts at the bottom from which a strange sound came out.
The object remained suspended in the air for a while, at the time of taking the photograph this object disappeared.
The witness took the photo with his mobile phone, then saved it on his computer so as not to lose it.
This case was investigated by various experts. The photograph was analyzed and no type of manipulation or fraud was detected. Omega Ovnis Ufos:
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