Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
If you figure out your shit then I'll forget mine
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
Typical case child of divorce
Watch how nature takes its course
These foundations built to fall
I'm gonna fix it, tell me I can fix it
Adult problems, just a kid
Drown those pick up bottles down the sink
Show me the notes doctor what do you think?
Tell me why I'm like this, codependent crisis
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
If you figure out your shit then I'll forget mine
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
Tell me that the sadness ain't my fault
I can pick apart my mess but sterilise yours
Tell me that the sadness ain't my fault
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
It was fine til he told me that it wasn't fine
Thought that it was funny
But that's a fatal flaw of mine
HA HA HA eleven seeing suicide
On Friday 13th though
That's pretty funny right?
Never independent
Poster trauma descendant
Cos I take fixing people's problems
Like an antidepressant
And now I'm overthinking breathing
Never process my feelings
So doctor tell me why I'm like this, codependent crisis
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
If you figure out your shit then I'll forget mine
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
Tell me that the sadness ain't my fault
I can pick apart my mess but sterilise yours
Tell me that the sadness ain't my fault
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
Years don't pay off
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
Can't switch it off
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
Years don't pay off
Can't switch it off
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
If you figure out your shit then I'll forget mine
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
Tell me that the sadness ain't my fault
I can pick apart my mess but sterilise yours
Tell me that the sadness ain't my fault
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
(For codependency)
(For codependency)
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
If you figure out your shit then I'll forget mine
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
Typical case child of divorce
Watch how nature takes its course
These foundations built to fall
I'm gonna fix it, tell me I can fix it
Adult problems, just a kid
Drown those pick up bottles down the sink
Show me the notes doctor what do you think?
Tell me why I'm like this, codependent crisis
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
If you figure out your shit then I'll forget mine
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
Tell me that the sadness ain't my fault
I can pick apart my mess but sterilise yours
Tell me that the sadness ain't my fault
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
It was fine til he told me that it wasn't fine
Thought that it was funny
But that's a fatal flaw of mine
HA HA HA eleven seeing suicide
On Friday 13th though
That's pretty funny right?
Never independent
Poster trauma descendant
Cos I take fixing people's problems
Like an antidepressant
And now I'm overthinking breathing
Never process my feelings
So doctor tell me why I'm like this, codependent crisis
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
If you figure out your shit then I'll forget mine
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
Tell me that the sadness ain't my fault
I can pick apart my mess but sterilise yours
Tell me that the sadness ain't my fault
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
Years don't pay off
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
Can't switch it off
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
Years don't pay off
Can't switch it off
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
If you figure out your shit then I'll forget mine
Tell me that you're okay and I'm fine
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
Tell me that the sadness ain't my fault
I can pick apart my mess but sterilise yours
Tell me that the sadness ain't my fault
(I've got a tendency for codependency)
(For codependency)
(For codependency)
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