[Genre]: Melodic Thrash/Heavy Metal
[Country]: United States; Atlanta, Georgia
[Released]: July 01st, 2024
[Label]: Roxx Records
01. Palace Of Ashes. [00:00]
02. Dethroned. [01:57]
03. Renouncement [ft. Chris Ackerman]. [05:27]
04. Break The Walls [ft. Jason Wisdom]. [09:15]
05. Septicemia. [13:54]
06. This Man I Am. [18:28]
07. Harbinger Of Demise. [25:09]
08. Final Hour. [29:02]
09. Lord Of Death [ft. Jason Wisdom]. [34:33]
10. The Storm Within. [40:04]
11. The Head Collector. [44:37]
12. Dead By Daylight [ft. Andre Chiang]. [48:21]
13. Once Again. [53:09]
[Total Playing Time]: 59:20
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
*Upload with permission of Motivik.
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#melodicthrashheavymetal #melodicthrashmetal #melodicheavymetal #thrashmetal #heavymetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Motivik #unitedstatesmetal
[Genre]: Melodic Thrash/Heavy Metal
[Country]: United States; Atlanta, Georgia
[Released]: July 01st, 2024
[Label]: Roxx Records
01. Palace Of Ashes. [00:00]
02. Dethroned. [01:57]
03. Renouncement [ft. Chris Ackerman]. [05:27]
04. Break The Walls [ft. Jason Wisdom]. [09:15]
05. Septicemia. [13:54]
06. This Man I Am. [18:28]
07. Harbinger Of Demise. [25:09]
08. Final Hour. [29:02]
09. Lord Of Death [ft. Jason Wisdom]. [34:33]
10. The Storm Within. [40:04]
11. The Head Collector. [44:37]
12. Dead By Daylight [ft. Andre Chiang]. [48:21]
13. Once Again. [53:09]
[Total Playing Time]: 59:20
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[Metal Sanctuary Promotion]
*Upload with permission of Motivik.
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#melodicthrashheavymetal #melodicthrashmetal #melodicheavymetal #thrashmetal #heavymetal #metal #metalpromotion #metalsanctuarypromotion #Motivik #unitedstatesmetal
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