Please don't make promises that you can't keep
Your best intentions end up hurting me
No matter what, I'll love you endlessly
I know we're blood, but this love is bad for me
I can't tell you what I wanna say
'Cause I, I'm afraid that you won't change
Sometimes I just wanna scream in your face
But when you're in pain, I just walk away
And my, my therapist told me to write you a letter, hmm, hmm
She said if I did it would make me feel better
But it wouldn't do shit even if I sent it
'Cause you won't get it, you're too damn selfish, hmm, hmm
Please don't make promises that you can't keep
Your best intentions end up hurting me
No matter what, I'll love you endlessly
But I gotta run, I gotta run from your reality
I know we're blood, but this love is bad for me
Damn, it's hard for me to let go, from someone I held so close, hmm
Damn, it's hard for me to draw that line and leave you on the other side
But my, my therapist told me to write you a letter, hmm, hmm
She said if I did it would make me feel better, oh
But it wouldn't do shit even if I sent it
'Cause you won't get it, you're too damn selfish, oh
Please don't make promises that you can't keep
Your best intentions end up hurting me
No matter what, I'll love you endlessly
But I gotta run, I gotta run from your reality
I know we're blood, but this love is bad for me
And when you lie, and when you lie, there's a part of you that dies
That I'm left with, I'm left with, it gets hectic, it gets hectic
When you lie, and when you lie, I wonder why I try
But you can't help it, you're too damn selfish, hmm, hmm
Please don't make promises that you can't keep
'Cause your best intentions end up hurting me
No matter what, I'll love you endlessly
But I gotta run, I gotta run from your reality
I know we're blood, but this love is bad for me
I know we're blood, but this love is bad for me
Please don't make promises that you can't keep
Your best intentions end up hurting me
No matter what, I'll love you endlessly
I know we're blood, but this love is bad for me
I can't tell you what I wanna say
'Cause I, I'm afraid that you won't change
Sometimes I just wanna scream in your face
But when you're in pain, I just walk away
And my, my therapist told me to write you a letter, hmm, hmm
She said if I did it would make me feel better
But it wouldn't do shit even if I sent it
'Cause you won't get it, you're too damn selfish, hmm, hmm
Please don't make promises that you can't keep
Your best intentions end up hurting me
No matter what, I'll love you endlessly
But I gotta run, I gotta run from your reality
I know we're blood, but this love is bad for me
Damn, it's hard for me to let go, from someone I held so close, hmm
Damn, it's hard for me to draw that line and leave you on the other side
But my, my therapist told me to write you a letter, hmm, hmm
She said if I did it would make me feel better, oh
But it wouldn't do shit even if I sent it
'Cause you won't get it, you're too damn selfish, oh
Please don't make promises that you can't keep
Your best intentions end up hurting me
No matter what, I'll love you endlessly
But I gotta run, I gotta run from your reality
I know we're blood, but this love is bad for me
And when you lie, and when you lie, there's a part of you that dies
That I'm left with, I'm left with, it gets hectic, it gets hectic
When you lie, and when you lie, I wonder why I try
But you can't help it, you're too damn selfish, hmm, hmm
Please don't make promises that you can't keep
'Cause your best intentions end up hurting me
No matter what, I'll love you endlessly
But I gotta run, I gotta run from your reality
I know we're blood, but this love is bad for me
I know we're blood, but this love is bad for me
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