I, I wanna get numb
And forget where I'm from
'Cause lookin' in your eyes
Like lookin' at the sun
I feel like you're the moon
I feel like I'm the one
I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb
I, I wanna get numb
And forget where I'm from
'Cause lookin' in your eyes
Like lookin' at the sun
I feel like you're the moon
I feel like I'm the one
I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb
Wanna get numb, go crazy
Wanna wild out 'cause lately
Life's so short, but amazin'
Late night party in the basement
Hotel lobby and I'm wasted
Just reached into my savings
I'll do it too if you take it
Yeah, life's only what you make it
I, I wanna get numb
And forget where I'm from
'Cause lookin' in your eyes
Like lookin' at the sun
I feel like you're the moon
I feel like I'm the one
I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb
I just wanna get lost tonight and dance with you (Oh)
I just wanna get way too high, let's set the mood (Set the mood)
You're my fantasy, yeah, I don't wanna fall asleep yet
There's nothin' in this world I'd rather do
I, I wanna get numb
And forget where I'm from
'Cause lookin' in your eyes
Like lookin' at the sun
I feel like you're the moon
I feel like I'm the one
I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb
I, I wanna get numb
And forget where I'm from
'Cause lookin' in your eyes
Like lookin' at the sun
I feel like you're the moon
I feel like I'm the one
I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb
(I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb, I)
I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb
I, I wanna get numb
And forget where I'm from
'Cause lookin' in your eyes
Like lookin' at the sun
I feel like you're the moon
I feel like I'm the one
I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb
I, I wanna get numb
And forget where I'm from
'Cause lookin' in your eyes
Like lookin' at the sun
I feel like you're the moon
I feel like I'm the one
I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb
Wanna get numb, go crazy
Wanna wild out 'cause lately
Life's so short, but amazin'
Late night party in the basement
Hotel lobby and I'm wasted
Just reached into my savings
I'll do it too if you take it
Yeah, life's only what you make it
I, I wanna get numb
And forget where I'm from
'Cause lookin' in your eyes
Like lookin' at the sun
I feel like you're the moon
I feel like I'm the one
I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb
I just wanna get lost tonight and dance with you (Oh)
I just wanna get way too high, let's set the mood (Set the mood)
You're my fantasy, yeah, I don't wanna fall asleep yet
There's nothin' in this world I'd rather do
I, I wanna get numb
And forget where I'm from
'Cause lookin' in your eyes
Like lookin' at the sun
I feel like you're the moon
I feel like I'm the one
I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb
I, I wanna get numb
And forget where I'm from
'Cause lookin' in your eyes
Like lookin' at the sun
I feel like you're the moon
I feel like I'm the one
I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb
(I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb, I)
I wanna get numb, numb, numb, numb
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