Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
In my room
Lives a boy who could be blue
And you might never know, oh, oh
You think he's cavalier
He would share more than a crocodile tear
If you go, oh-oh-oh-oh
Hearts, they get broken
God only knows why
And sometimes aeroplanes fall down from the sky
And mountains, they crumble
And rivers, they run dry
And oh, woah, oh, oh, oh
Boys do cry
When night falls
And the moon is all we see
Don't fear the wolf that lives in me, oh, oh
You think he's tough enough
He will cry love 'til the sun comes up
If you go, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
Hearts, they get broken
God only knows why
And sometimes aeroplanes fall down from the sky
And mountains, they crumble
And rivers, they run dry
And oh, woah, oh, oh, oh
Boys do cry
And how they cry
Mountains, they crumble
And rivers they run dry
And oh, woah, oh, oh, oh
Boys do cry
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
In my room
Lives a boy who could be blue
And you might never know, oh, oh
You think he's cavalier
He would share more than a crocodile tear
If you go, oh-oh-oh-oh
Hearts, they get broken
God only knows why
And sometimes aeroplanes fall down from the sky
And mountains, they crumble
And rivers, they run dry
And oh, woah, oh, oh, oh
Boys do cry
When night falls
And the moon is all we see
Don't fear the wolf that lives in me, oh, oh
You think he's tough enough
He will cry love 'til the sun comes up
If you go, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
Hearts, they get broken
God only knows why
And sometimes aeroplanes fall down from the sky
And mountains, they crumble
And rivers, they run dry
And oh, woah, oh, oh, oh
Boys do cry
And how they cry
Mountains, they crumble
And rivers they run dry
And oh, woah, oh, oh, oh
Boys do cry
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5,6kVídeos de música
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