Alone at parties in a deadly silhouette
She loves the cocaine, but cocaine don't love her back
When she's upset she talks to Maury and takes deep breaths
She's a 90s supermodel, oh-oh-oh
Way back in high school, when she was a good Christian
I used to know her, but she's got a new best friend
A drag queen named The Virgin Mary takes confessions
She's a 90s supermodel
Yeah, she's a monster, my compliments
If you wanna love her, just deal with that
She'll never love you, more than money and cigarettes
Every night's a heartbreak
Hey, don't think about it
Hey, just let it go
'Cause her boyfriend is the rock 'n ' roll
Savor every moment 'til she has to go
'Cause her boyfriend is the rock 'n' roll
Alone at parties, she's working around the clock
When you're not looking, she's stealing your Basquiat
Low waisted pants on OnlyFans, I'd pay for that
She's a 90s supermodel
Yeah, she's a monster, my compliments
If you wanna love her, just deal with that
She'll never love you, you just look a bit like her dad
Every night's a heartbreak
Hey, don't think about it
Hey, just let it go
'Cause her boyfriend is the rock 'n' roll
Savor every moment, 'til she has to go
'Cause her boyfriend is the rock 'n' roll
She's a 90s supermodel, oh, oh, oh
She's a 90s supermodel, oh, oh, oh
Alone at parties in a deadly silhouette
She loves the cocaine, but cocaine don't love her back
When she's upset she talks to Maury and takes deep breaths
She's a 90s supermodel, oh-oh-oh
Way back in high school, when she was a good Christian
I used to know her, but she's got a new best friend
A drag queen named The Virgin Mary takes confessions
She's a 90s supermodel
Yeah, she's a monster, my compliments
If you wanna love her, just deal with that
She'll never love you, more than money and cigarettes
Every night's a heartbreak
Hey, don't think about it
Hey, just let it go
'Cause her boyfriend is the rock 'n ' roll
Savor every moment 'til she has to go
'Cause her boyfriend is the rock 'n' roll
Alone at parties, she's working around the clock
When you're not looking, she's stealing your Basquiat
Low waisted pants on OnlyFans, I'd pay for that
She's a 90s supermodel
Yeah, she's a monster, my compliments
If you wanna love her, just deal with that
She'll never love you, you just look a bit like her dad
Every night's a heartbreak
Hey, don't think about it
Hey, just let it go
'Cause her boyfriend is the rock 'n' roll
Savor every moment, 'til she has to go
'Cause her boyfriend is the rock 'n' roll
She's a 90s supermodel, oh, oh, oh
She's a 90s supermodel, oh, oh, oh
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