Neville Lancelot Goddard (February 19, 1905 – October 1, 1972), who used a solitary pen name Neville, was a Barbadian-American author and mystic who wrote on the true meaning of the Bible as non-secular history, not historicity, but rather strictly and simply parables teaching humanity the pathway to spiritual awakening and true salvation. His essential teaching was one's imagination is God, that we are all God incarnated as man, re-awakening to our God consciousness through the Christ (the power and wisdom of God) within us.
Neville Lancelot Goddard (February 19, 1905 – October 1, 1972), who used a solitary pen name Neville, was a Barbadian-American author and mystic who wrote on the true meaning of the Bible as non-secular history, not historicity, but rather strictly and simply parables teaching humanity the pathway to spiritual awakening and true salvation. His essential teaching was one's imagination is God, that we are all God incarnated as man, re-awakening to our God consciousness through the Christ (the power and wisdom of God) within us.
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