Moonlight on my bedside
I've been beating on myself
Far too long
Blue eyes on my right side
I love you
But I still feel so alone, hm, hm
Following the feeling takes me down, down, down, hm, hm, hm, hm
Let it get the best of me each time around
Tell me of the day that's waiting
How the heart is ever-changing
You see a dawn that's waiting
We just gotta ride it out, hm, hm, hm, hm
Get up in the morning
When the world's still at ease
Not a sound, hm
I feel I gotta secret
And I keep it to myself
All the time
Tell me of the day that's waiting
How the heart is ever-changing
You see a dawn that's waiting
We just gotta ride it out
Uh, uh
Uh, uh
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ride it, ride it out
Hm, hm
Moonlight on my bedside
I've been beating on myself
Far too long
Blue eyes on my right side
I love you
But I still feel so alone, hm, hm
Following the feeling takes me down, down, down, hm, hm, hm, hm
Let it get the best of me each time around
Tell me of the day that's waiting
How the heart is ever-changing
You see a dawn that's waiting
We just gotta ride it out, hm, hm, hm, hm
Get up in the morning
When the world's still at ease
Not a sound, hm
I feel I gotta secret
And I keep it to myself
All the time
Tell me of the day that's waiting
How the heart is ever-changing
You see a dawn that's waiting
We just gotta ride it out
Uh, uh
Uh, uh
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Ride it, ride it out
Hm, hm
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