Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Everybody, let's move to the beat
We can dance now, bass line under our feet
Everybody, dancing all along
Time to party, sing our happy song
We are dreamers, we are young
One two three, solo
M-O-V-N to the beat
Everyone, get on your feet
We're the future superstars
That is who we are
Clap yours hands, now on the floor
Clap your hands one, two, three, four
Girls and boys and everyone
Happy song, so fun
M-O-V-N to the Beat
Don't forget your ABC's
We're the future superstars
That is who we are
Clap yours hands, now on the floor
Clap your hands One, two, three, four
Everybody, let's move to the beat
We can dance now, bassline under our feet
Everybody, dancing all along
Time to party, sing our happy song
We are dreamers, we are young
One two three, solo
M-O-V-N to the beat
Everyone, get on your feet
We're the future superstars
That is who we are
Clap yours hands, now on the floor
Clap your hands one, two, three, four
Girls and boys and everyone
Happy song, so fun
M-O-V-N to the Beat
Don't forget your ABC's
We're the future superstars
That is who we are
Clap yours hands, now on the floor
Clap your hands one, two, three, four
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Everybody, let's move to the beat
We can dance now, bassline under our feet
Everybody, dancing all along
Time to party, sing your happy song
We are dreamers, we are young
One two three, solo
M-O-V-N to the beat
Everyone, get on your feet
We're the future superstars
That is who we are
Clap yours hands, now on the floor
Clap your hands one, two, three, four
Girls and boys and everyone
Happy song, s
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Everybody, let's move to the beat
We can dance now, bass line under our feet
Everybody, dancing all along
Time to party, sing our happy song
We are dreamers, we are young
One two three, solo
M-O-V-N to the beat
Everyone, get on your feet
We're the future superstars
That is who we are
Clap yours hands, now on the floor
Clap your hands one, two, three, four
Girls and boys and everyone
Happy song, so fun
M-O-V-N to the Beat
Don't forget your ABC's
We're the future superstars
That is who we are
Clap yours hands, now on the floor
Clap your hands One, two, three, four
Everybody, let's move to the beat
We can dance now, bassline under our feet
Everybody, dancing all along
Time to party, sing our happy song
We are dreamers, we are young
One two three, solo
M-O-V-N to the beat
Everyone, get on your feet
We're the future superstars
That is who we are
Clap yours hands, now on the floor
Clap your hands one, two, three, four
Girls and boys and everyone
Happy song, so fun
M-O-V-N to the Beat
Don't forget your ABC's
We're the future superstars
That is who we are
Clap yours hands, now on the floor
Clap your hands one, two, three, four
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Clap yours hands, move your feet
Two steps back, to the beat
Everybody, let's move to the beat
We can dance now, bassline under our feet
Everybody, dancing all along
Time to party, sing your happy song
We are dreamers, we are young
One two three, solo
M-O-V-N to the beat
Everyone, get on your feet
We're the future superstars
That is who we are
Clap yours hands, now on the floor
Clap your hands one, two, three, four
Girls and boys and everyone
Happy song, s
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