I can't tell where you hair ends and mine begins
If I ain't have all these tattoos, I would think that it's your skin
If I move too quick past you, I would think it's my reflection
Being this close isn't close enough
You could tell every time we touch, every time we, oh
Wish you could build me a cute apartment
One-bedroom right where you heart is
Inch of space, feels broken-hearted
Across the bed, feels way too far and
I wonder when they see just one, do they see us two?
Ooh, oh-woah, woah
It's when I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
It's when I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
Melt into you, melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
Woah, oh-oh, oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah
Woah, oh-oh, oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah
Matching your breath, fall on your chest, up and down
Hoping you let secrets spill out your mouth, and
Inhale, exhale, breathe me in
With every breath, I'm sinking in
No way to describe it, I'm a riot
If I wake up, and I'm somehow beside you
Instead of inside you, that shouldn't surprise you
You don't even notice, no need to remind you
Wish you could build me a cute apartment
One-bedroom right where you heart is
Inch of space, feels broken-hearted
Across the bed, feels way too far and
I wonder when they see just one, do they see us two?
Ooh, oh-woah, woah
It's when I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
It's when I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
I melt into you, I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
Where do you end? Where do I begin?
Start over again
Feels like we're melting, melting
Where do you end? Where do I begin?
Start over again
Feels like we're melting, melting
I can't tell where you hair ends and mine begins
If I ain't have all these tattoos, I would think that it's your skin
If I move too quick past you, I would think it's my reflection
Being this close isn't close enough
You could tell every time we touch, every time we, oh
Wish you could build me a cute apartment
One-bedroom right where you heart is
Inch of space, feels broken-hearted
Across the bed, feels way too far and
I wonder when they see just one, do they see us two?
Ooh, oh-woah, woah
It's when I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
It's when I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
Melt into you, melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
Woah, oh-oh, oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah
Woah, oh-oh, oh-woah, oh-woah, oh-woah
Matching your breath, fall on your chest, up and down
Hoping you let secrets spill out your mouth, and
Inhale, exhale, breathe me in
With every breath, I'm sinking in
No way to describe it, I'm a riot
If I wake up, and I'm somehow beside you
Instead of inside you, that shouldn't surprise you
You don't even notice, no need to remind you
Wish you could build me a cute apartment
One-bedroom right where you heart is
Inch of space, feels broken-hearted
Across the bed, feels way too far and
I wonder when they see just one, do they see us two?
Ooh, oh-woah, woah
It's when I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
It's when I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
I melt into you, I melt into you, ooh, ooh-woo, ooh-woah, oh, oh
Where do you end? Where do I begin?
Start over again
Feels like we're melting, melting
Where do you end? Where do I begin?
Start over again
Feels like we're melting, melting
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