Sometimes I feel down
Sometimes I booze
Sometimes I fall
Sometimes I do wrong
One day I'm cool
One day I'm cold
And I've been trying to escape my past
Give up on the sadness that you left behind
I've been trying to erase my mind
You stay like a nightmare
When I close my eyes
Am I gonna miss you? No
Promise I won't miss you, no
I'm gonna break through, no
I'll never hate you
I'll never chase you
Sometimes I feel good
Sometimes I lose my mind and my soul
That's when I see you
And out of the blue I answer your call
And I've been trying to escape my past
Give up on the sadness that you left behind
I've been trying to erase my mind
But you stay like a nightmare
When I close my eyes
Am I gonna miss you? No
Promise I won't miss you, no
I'm gonna break through, no
I'll never hate you
I'll never chase you
Am I gonna miss you? No, no
Promise I won't miss you, no
I'm gonna break through, no
I'll never hate you
I'll never chase you
Oh, I gotta make it to the bright side
I've been lying when I said I'm fine
Wanna find a way to feel alive
Am I gonna miss you? No
Promise I won't miss you, no
I'm gonna break through, no
I'll never hate you
I'll never chase you
Never feel bad
When love is good
Life goes on
Don't wanna live my life
Waiting for your call
Sometimes I feel down
Sometimes I booze
Sometimes I fall Suscríbete a mi canal de Youtube:
Sometimes I feel down
Sometimes I booze
Sometimes I fall
Sometimes I do wrong
One day I'm cool
One day I'm cold
And I've been trying to escape my past
Give up on the sadness that you left behind
I've been trying to erase my mind
You stay like a nightmare
When I close my eyes
Am I gonna miss you? No
Promise I won't miss you, no
I'm gonna break through, no
I'll never hate you
I'll never chase you
Sometimes I feel good
Sometimes I lose my mind and my soul
That's when I see you
And out of the blue I answer your call
And I've been trying to escape my past
Give up on the sadness that you left behind
I've been trying to erase my mind
But you stay like a nightmare
When I close my eyes
Am I gonna miss you? No
Promise I won't miss you, no
I'm gonna break through, no
I'll never hate you
I'll never chase you
Am I gonna miss you? No, no
Promise I won't miss you, no
I'm gonna break through, no
I'll never hate you
I'll never chase you
Oh, I gotta make it to the bright side
I've been lying when I said I'm fine
Wanna find a way to feel alive
Am I gonna miss you? No
Promise I won't miss you, no
I'm gonna break through, no
I'll never hate you
I'll never chase you
Never feel bad
When love is good
Life goes on
Don't wanna live my life
Waiting for your call
Sometimes I feel down
Sometimes I booze
Sometimes I fall Suscríbete a mi canal de Youtube:
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