Before the spread of social media and easy access to online porn, Joe Francis' multi-million dollar "Girls Gone Wild" franchise, a series of tapes sold on late night television that featured young spring breakers baring their breasts for T-shirts and hats, had a shocking grip on popular culture. Including Francis' first in-depth, in-person, on-the-record interview with a journalist in almost a decade, as well as exclusive access to his former employees, enemies, and survivors, Girls Gone Wild: The Untold Story offers an astonishing and wide-ranging account of a man whose impact on American culture cannot be overstated, whose alleged sins are numerous, and who now lives in exile on a sprawling estate in Mexico amidst the rubble of his once mighty empire.
Before the spread of social media and easy access to online porn, Joe Francis' multi-million dollar "Girls Gone Wild" franchise, a series of tapes sold on late night television that featured young spring breakers baring their breasts for T-shirts and hats, had a shocking grip on popular culture. Including Francis' first in-depth, in-person, on-the-record interview with a journalist in almost a decade, as well as exclusive access to his former employees, enemies, and survivors, Girls Gone Wild: The Untold Story offers an astonishing and wide-ranging account of a man whose impact on American culture cannot be overstated, whose alleged sins are numerous, and who now lives in exile on a sprawling estate in Mexico amidst the rubble of his once mighty empire.
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