This is for anyone that said I wouldn't be nothing
Said I wouldn't make it
Get ready to eat your words
'Cause I got news for you, haters
I ghosted Kevin Jonas
Not responding to his texts
I'm too busy getting checks
You're impressed 'cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas (This is true)
I'm not even tryna flex but he's probably so perplexed
Yeah, he's stressed 'cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas
The year was 2015, all on Vine, I'm doing my thing
Get a DM, who could that be? It's Kevin Jonas
Ask me can I help out with something
He sends me his phone number, dude, I'm jumping, I'm excited
He says, "I started signing musicians with me a while back
I've got a client working on a music vid for a track
I'm tryna get a couple Viners to help, it would be bomb
If you could just record a clip of you lip-syncing the song"
And I didn't respond, yeah, school got in the way
I completely forgot, realized a few weeks later that I ruined my shot
And it's probably too late for me to reach out to him now so that's how
I ghosted Kevin Jonas (Mom, I made it)
Not responding to his texts
I'm too busy getting checks
You're impressed 'cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas
I'm not even tryna flex but he's probably so perplexed
Yeah, he's stressed 'cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas
They said I'd never be someone, look at me now
Ghosting Kevin Jonas, making momma proud
Even now it's probably still haunting him
Wondering when I'm gonna respond to him (But I'm not)
I'm not surprised, when I see him on TV, I still see pain in his eyes
Kevin, if you're out there, I'm sorry for being a dick
And this might not make you feel better but I wish it was Nick
I ghosted Kevin Jonas
Not responding to his texts
I'm too busy getting checks
You're impressed 'cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas
I'm not even tryna flex but he's probably so perplexed
Yeah, he's stressed 'cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas
Eight hundred new texts from Kevin Jonas
Hey bud, it's been seven years, I'm starting to think you don't like me, haha
Just kidding but seriously what the hell
You can tell me to fuck off
This is for anyone that said I wouldn't be nothing
Said I wouldn't make it
Get ready to eat your words
'Cause I got news for you, haters
I ghosted Kevin Jonas
Not responding to his texts
I'm too busy getting checks
You're impressed 'cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas (This is true)
I'm not even tryna flex but he's probably so perplexed
Yeah, he's stressed 'cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas
The year was 2015, all on Vine, I'm doing my thing
Get a DM, who could that be? It's Kevin Jonas
Ask me can I help out with something
He sends me his phone number, dude, I'm jumping, I'm excited
He says, "I started signing musicians with me a while back
I've got a client working on a music vid for a track
I'm tryna get a couple Viners to help, it would be bomb
If you could just record a clip of you lip-syncing the song"
And I didn't respond, yeah, school got in the way
I completely forgot, realized a few weeks later that I ruined my shot
And it's probably too late for me to reach out to him now so that's how
I ghosted Kevin Jonas (Mom, I made it)
Not responding to his texts
I'm too busy getting checks
You're impressed 'cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas
I'm not even tryna flex but he's probably so perplexed
Yeah, he's stressed 'cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas
They said I'd never be someone, look at me now
Ghosting Kevin Jonas, making momma proud
Even now it's probably still haunting him
Wondering when I'm gonna respond to him (But I'm not)
I'm not surprised, when I see him on TV, I still see pain in his eyes
Kevin, if you're out there, I'm sorry for being a dick
And this might not make you feel better but I wish it was Nick
I ghosted Kevin Jonas
Not responding to his texts
I'm too busy getting checks
You're impressed 'cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas
I'm not even tryna flex but he's probably so perplexed
Yeah, he's stressed 'cause I ghosted Kevin Jonas
Eight hundred new texts from Kevin Jonas
Hey bud, it's been seven years, I'm starting to think you don't like me, haha
Just kidding but seriously what the hell
You can tell me to fuck off
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