lt Get ready Go! Aku Aku Crash Bandicoot #crash4ItsAboutTime hit theaters October 27
was originally released for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with releases for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows following in 2021. The game is the eighth main installment in the Crash Bandicoot series and a retcon of the games that originally followed Crash Bandicoot: Warped. The game's story follows Crash Bandicoot and his sister Coco as they recover the all-powerful Quantum Masks in a bid to prevent Doctor Neo Cortex and Doctor Nefarious Tropy from taking over the multiverse. They are indirectly aided by their former enemy Dingodile and an adventuring alternate-dimension counterpart of Crash's old girlfriend Tawna.
3rd Silhouette STRANGER EYES out now:
lt Get ready Go! Aku Aku Crash Bandicoot #crash4ItsAboutTime hit theaters October 27
was originally released for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, with releases for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows following in 2021. The game is the eighth main installment in the Crash Bandicoot series and a retcon of the games that originally followed Crash Bandicoot: Warped. The game's story follows Crash Bandicoot and his sister Coco as they recover the all-powerful Quantum Masks in a bid to prevent Doctor Neo Cortex and Doctor Nefarious Tropy from taking over the multiverse. They are indirectly aided by their former enemy Dingodile and an adventuring alternate-dimension counterpart of Crash's old girlfriend Tawna.
3rd Silhouette STRANGER EYES out now:
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