Show me what you got
On the counter
From the ground up now
Here we come and we all know
Mama said not to show what you are
Step it up now
Get it done now
I hate what you got
Shoot it to the stars
To the top now
Across the moon and down
We are here ’til we blow up
Tryin’ hard will not get you really far
Mix it up now
It’s alright, pal (Circus Mircus)
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Now, right now, right now, right now
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Now, right now, right now, right now
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Lock me up, lock me down
Lock me in, lock me out
Lock me sideways
Lock me up, lock me down
Lock me in, lock me out
Lock me sideways
(Circus Mircus)
Make it ’til I break, and I never could take it
Make it ’til I break, and I never could take it
Make it ’til I break, and I never could take it
Make it ’til I break, and I never could take it
Now, right now, right now, right now
Make it ’til I break, and I never could take it
Lock me up, lock me down
Lock me in, lock me out
Lock me sideways
Lock me up, lock me down
Lock me in, lock me out
Lock me sideways
Lock me up (Up), lock me down (Down)
Lock me in (In), lock me out (Out)
Lock me sideways
Lock me up (Up), lock me down (Down)
Lock me in (In), lock me out (Out)
Lock me sideways
(Circus Mircus)
Show me what you got
On the counter
From the ground up now
Here we come and we all know
Mama said not to show what you are
Step it up now
Get it done now
I hate what you got
Shoot it to the stars
To the top now
Across the moon and down
We are here ’til we blow up
Tryin’ hard will not get you really far
Mix it up now
It’s alright, pal (Circus Mircus)
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Now, right now, right now, right now
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Now, right now, right now, right now
Take me to the space craft, take me to dance club
Lock me up, lock me down
Lock me in, lock me out
Lock me sideways
Lock me up, lock me down
Lock me in, lock me out
Lock me sideways
(Circus Mircus)
Make it ’til I break, and I never could take it
Make it ’til I break, and I never could take it
Make it ’til I break, and I never could take it
Make it ’til I break, and I never could take it
Now, right now, right now, right now
Make it ’til I break, and I never could take it
Lock me up, lock me down
Lock me in, lock me out
Lock me sideways
Lock me up, lock me down
Lock me in, lock me out
Lock me sideways
Lock me up (Up), lock me down (Down)
Lock me in (In), lock me out (Out)
Lock me sideways
Lock me up (Up), lock me down (Down)
Lock me in (In), lock me out (Out)
Lock me sideways
(Circus Mircus)
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