California, it crossed my mind
Once, we were pressed into the—
Love, we were pressed into the breeze up on the mountain
I was by your side
Do you remember a conversation
With our heads against the pillow?
Dust my shoes before I enter through your doorstep
I was on your side
Comin' in like a western wind
Do you feel home from all directions?
First bloom, you know it's spring
Remindin' me, love, that it's all connected
Comin' in like a western wind
A jubilation, a celebration
Take me back into your corner
To the center of the room we made a dancefloor
I was charmed to let go
Comin' in like a western wind
Do you feel home from all directions?
First bloom, you know it's spring
Remindin' me, love, that it's all connected
Comin' in like a western wind
But could you give me peace of mind
If I return to you in time, my golden arrow?
(Ooh, ooh)
(Ooh, ooh)
(Ooh, ooh)
(Ooh, ooh)
Comin' in like a western wind
Do you feel home from all directions?
First bloom, you know it's spring
Remindin' me, love, that it's all connected
Comin' in like a western wind
Comin' in like a western wind
Do you feel home from all directions?
First bloom, you know it's spring
Remindin' me, love, that it's all connected
Comin' in like a western wind
Comin' in like a western wind
Do you feel home from all directions?
First bloom, you know it's spring
Remindin' me, love, that it's all connected
Comin' in like a western wind
California, it crossed my mind
Once, we were pressed into the—
Love, we were pressed into the breeze up on the mountain
I was by your side
Do you remember a conversation
With our heads against the pillow?
Dust my shoes before I enter through your doorstep
I was on your side
Comin' in like a western wind
Do you feel home from all directions?
First bloom, you know it's spring
Remindin' me, love, that it's all connected
Comin' in like a western wind
A jubilation, a celebration
Take me back into your corner
To the center of the room we made a dancefloor
I was charmed to let go
Comin' in like a western wind
Do you feel home from all directions?
First bloom, you know it's spring
Remindin' me, love, that it's all connected
Comin' in like a western wind
But could you give me peace of mind
If I return to you in time, my golden arrow?
(Ooh, ooh)
(Ooh, ooh)
(Ooh, ooh)
(Ooh, ooh)
Comin' in like a western wind
Do you feel home from all directions?
First bloom, you know it's spring
Remindin' me, love, that it's all connected
Comin' in like a western wind
Comin' in like a western wind
Do you feel home from all directions?
First bloom, you know it's spring
Remindin' me, love, that it's all connected
Comin' in like a western wind
Comin' in like a western wind
Do you feel home from all directions?
First bloom, you know it's spring
Remindin' me, love, that it's all connected
Comin' in like a western wind
Los mejores conciertos de la historia
12kClásicos del Rock
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