Based on the movie "Non Ho Sonno" aka "Sleepless" by Dario Argento, the story continues after the tremendous revelation on "Profondo Blossom". Bubbles and Blossom are dead and Buttercup is the last Powerpuff Girl alive. After of spent little time out of Townsville, Buttercup is called by the Mayor begging her to come back. Buttercup takes a train way to Townsville and she tries to keep moving foward after the murdder of her sisters. But after be sad and cry a lot, she founds a letter revealing that this isn't over. Buttercup discover that besides Mojo Jojo and Princess Morbucks, there's a third conspirator who planned all. Buttercup also finds out that the third conspirator is now after her. But she'll be save in the train? And will she survive at the end? Find it out in this final chapter of the trilogy.
Based on the movie "Non Ho Sonno" aka "Sleepless" by Dario Argento, the story continues after the tremendous revelation on "Profondo Blossom". Bubbles and Blossom are dead and Buttercup is the last Powerpuff Girl alive. After of spent little time out of Townsville, Buttercup is called by the Mayor begging her to come back. Buttercup takes a train way to Townsville and she tries to keep moving foward after the murdder of her sisters. But after be sad and cry a lot, she founds a letter revealing that this isn't over. Buttercup discover that besides Mojo Jojo and Princess Morbucks, there's a third conspirator who planned all. Buttercup also finds out that the third conspirator is now after her. But she'll be save in the train? And will she survive at the end? Find it out in this final chapter of the trilogy.
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