Take your mirror off the wall
Ain't you getting bored of your reflection?
I'm tired of dodging all your calls
You wanna be the centre of attention
I'm getting sick of ya now
Stop sending flowers
I'll just burn them all
And you'll cry for hours
Always putting me down
Well, I've got news for you
You say I'm using you now
Hey, stupid
That's rich
When it's coming from you
And that's rich
Well, I've got nothing to prove
That's rich
You think I dressed up for you
And that's rich (Hah)
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool
Used to think I need your help
To feel good, turns out I do it better
Think maybe you should please yourself
Because I'm over you, I'll see you never
I'm getting sick of ya now (So sick)
Stop sending flowers
I'll just burn them all
And you'll cry for hours
Always putting me down
Well, I've got news for you
You say I use you now
Hey, stupid
That's rich
When it's coming from you
And that's rich
Well, I've got nothing to prove
That's rich
You think I dressed up for you
And that's rich
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool
I think it's funny how you miss me when you never knew me
You were a lazy lover, I moved on to ones that move me
Loser, lose your attitude, I'm doing good, that's on me
All glowed up, yeah, that's on me
You see me, now you want me?
(Now you want me? You want me?)
'Cause I don't need a lazy lover
(Now you want me? You want me?)
No, I don't wanna meet your mother
(Now you want me? You want me?)
Don't cry I'm sure you'll meet another
And you'll tell her you love her
Well, that's rich
When it's coming from you
And that's rich
Oh, I know all of your moves
That's rich
You think I've dressed up for you
And that's rich
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool
Bye, bye, fool
Bye, bye, fool
Take your mirror off the wall
Ain't you getting bored of your reflection?
I'm tired of dodging all your calls
You wanna be the centre of attention
I'm getting sick of ya now
Stop sending flowers
I'll just burn them all
And you'll cry for hours
Always putting me down
Well, I've got news for you
You say I'm using you now
Hey, stupid
That's rich
When it's coming from you
And that's rich
Well, I've got nothing to prove
That's rich
You think I dressed up for you
And that's rich (Hah)
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool
Used to think I need your help
To feel good, turns out I do it better
Think maybe you should please yourself
Because I'm over you, I'll see you never
I'm getting sick of ya now (So sick)
Stop sending flowers
I'll just burn them all
And you'll cry for hours
Always putting me down
Well, I've got news for you
You say I use you now
Hey, stupid
That's rich
When it's coming from you
And that's rich
Well, I've got nothing to prove
That's rich
You think I dressed up for you
And that's rich
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool
I think it's funny how you miss me when you never knew me
You were a lazy lover, I moved on to ones that move me
Loser, lose your attitude, I'm doing good, that's on me
All glowed up, yeah, that's on me
You see me, now you want me?
(Now you want me? You want me?)
'Cause I don't need a lazy lover
(Now you want me? You want me?)
No, I don't wanna meet your mother
(Now you want me? You want me?)
Don't cry I'm sure you'll meet another
And you'll tell her you love her
Well, that's rich
When it's coming from you
And that's rich
Oh, I know all of your moves
That's rich
You think I've dressed up for you
And that's rich
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool (Ow)
Bye, bye, fool
Bye, bye, fool
Bye, bye, fool
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