Aquatic Sensibility is a documentary film which plot is about 2 endangered species that are affected by climatic change. The animals mentioned in this film are the clown fish and the emperor penguin. Telling about their lives and then, what climatic change does to them. It includes footages from “Finding Nemo”, “Happy Feet”, “Happy Feet Two” and “La Marche De L’Empereur”. The idea of this film was make a school project for environment class talking about the species that had been affected by climatic change.
Aquatic Sensibility is a documentary film which plot is about 2 endangered species that are affected by climatic change. The animals mentioned in this film are the clown fish and the emperor penguin. Telling about their lives and then, what climatic change does to them. It includes footages from “Finding Nemo”, “Happy Feet”, “Happy Feet Two” and “La Marche De L’Empereur”. The idea of this film was make a school project for environment class talking about the species that had been affected by climatic change.
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670Trailers Peliculas
581Trailers Peliculas
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