Angel Eyes - Frank Sinatra. En directo "Oldies Goldies". Hey drink up all you people Order anything you see And have fun you happy people The laugh and the drinks on me Try to think that loves not around Still it's uncomfortably near My poor old heart aint gaining any ground Because my angel eyes aint here Angel eyes, that old devil sent They glow unbearably bright Need I say that my loves mispent Mispent with angel eyes tonight So drink up all of you people Order anything you see And have fun you happy people The drink and the laughs on me Pardon me but I got to run The facts uncommonly clear I got to find whos now the number one And why my angel eyes aint here Excuse me while I disappear Puedes escuchar y descargar la canción Angel Eyes de Frank Sinatra en Tokyvideo.
Angel Eyes - Frank Sinatra. En directo "Oldies Goldies". Hey drink up all you people Order anything you see And have fun you happy people The laugh and the drinks on me Try to think that loves not around Still it's uncomfortably near My poor old heart aint gaining any ground Because my angel eyes aint here Angel eyes, that old devil sent They glow unbearably bright Need I say that my loves mispent Mispent with angel eyes tonight So drink up all of you people Order anything you see And have fun you happy people The drink and the laughs on me Pardon me but I got to run The facts uncommonly clear I got to find whos now the number one And why my angel eyes aint here Excuse me while I disappear Puedes escuchar y descargar la canción Angel Eyes de Frank Sinatra en Tokyvideo.
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