An older girl, Francine, publicly humiliates Tommy. At first, he does not know why, but then Lil and Kimi convince Tommy that Francine has a crush on him. When he finds out that Francine did not have a crush on him, she humiliates him even more. In the end it becomes apparent that she was only humiliating him because he had cut her scene in one of his films. Once they discuss the misunderstanding, they become friends.
Meanwhile Angelica tries to increase her website's popularity with embarrassing and humiliating pictures of people.
An older girl, Francine, publicly humiliates Tommy. At first, he does not know why, but then Lil and Kimi convince Tommy that Francine has a crush on him. When he finds out that Francine did not have a crush on him, she humiliates him even more. In the end it becomes apparent that she was only humiliating him because he had cut her scene in one of his films. Once they discuss the misunderstanding, they become friends.
Meanwhile Angelica tries to increase her website's popularity with embarrassing and humiliating pictures of people.
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