After this strong hectic camp, we find our boxers at the gym. While the coach told them all to go to rest, two men have one a shin-coach nihon club and the other being Shigeta Akira, a young boxer ranked 4th featherweight and will therefore fight for the title against Sendo. The coach asks the coach if his boxer could eventually do a sparring ippo face. The coach agrees. We then see ippo completely lost against an opponent whose main feature is ...
After this strong hectic camp, we find our boxers at the gym. While the coach told them all to go to rest, two men have one a shin-coach nihon club and the other being Shigeta Akira, a young boxer ranked 4th featherweight and will therefore fight for the title against Sendo. The coach asks the coach if his boxer could eventually do a sparring ippo face. The coach agrees. We then see ippo completely lost against an opponent whose main feature is ...
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5,5kThe Office Latinoamérica
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