Prince & The New Power Generation - Insatiable (1991)
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Turn the lights off
Strike a candle
No one that I've ever
Knows how to handle
My body
The way you truly do
Insatiable's my name, when it comes to you
I got a Jones, Martha
Oh yeah, it be like this
(I can't have a hug) I can't have a hug (unless)
Unless I have a kiss, ooh
My body, baby, you truly do
Insatiable's my name when it comes to you
Like a wildcat, Martha, in a celibate rage
I want your love, in my dirty little cage
Can you understand, Martha?
My body, baby, you truly do
Insatiable's my name when it comes to you
Tonight we video
No one will ever know
We'll erase the naughty bits
I'll show my-
If you show your-
I can't help it, Martha
(Instatiable) I can't help what you…
Prince & The New Power Generation - Insatiable (1991)
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Turn the lights off
Strike a candle
No one that I've ever
Knows how to handle
My body
The way you truly do
Insatiable's my name, when it comes to you
I got a Jones, Martha
Oh yeah, it be like this
(I can't have a hug) I can't have a hug (unless)
Unless I have a kiss, ooh
My body, baby, you truly do
Insatiable's my name when it comes to you
Like a wildcat, Martha, in a celibate rage
I want your love, in my dirty little cage
Can you understand, Martha?
My body, baby, you truly do
Insatiable's my name when it comes to you
Tonight we video
No one will ever know
We'll erase the naughty bits
I'll show my-
If you show your-
I can't help it, Martha
(Instatiable) I can't help what you…
PRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,3kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,7kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,7kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,7kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,7kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,5kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,2kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
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