Prince - Sign O’ The Times (1987)
Sign 'O' the Times
Oh yeah!
In France, a skinny man died of a big disease with a little name
By chance his girlfriend came across a needle and soon she did the same
At home there are seventeen-year-old boys and their idea of fun
Is being in a gang called 'The Disciples'
High on crack and totin' a machine gun
Hurricane Annie ripped the ceiling of a church and killed everyone inside
You turn on the telly and every other story is tellin' you somebody died
A sister killed her baby 'cause she couldn't afford to feed it
And yet we're sending people to the moon
In September, my cousin tried reefer for the very first time
Now he's doing horse, it's June, unh
It's silly, no?
When a rocket ship explodes and everybody still wants to fly
But some say a man ain't…
Prince - Sign O’ The Times (1987)
Sign 'O' the Times
Oh yeah!
In France, a skinny man died of a big disease with a little name
By chance his girlfriend came across a needle and soon she did the same
At home there are seventeen-year-old boys and their idea of fun
Is being in a gang called 'The Disciples'
High on crack and totin' a machine gun
Hurricane Annie ripped the ceiling of a church and killed everyone inside
You turn on the telly and every other story is tellin' you somebody died
A sister killed her baby 'cause she couldn't afford to feed it
And yet we're sending people to the moon
In September, my cousin tried reefer for the very first time
Now he's doing horse, it's June, unh
It's silly, no?
When a rocket ship explodes and everybody still wants to fly
But some say a man ain't…
PRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,8kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,1kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,8kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,3kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,5kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,9kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,1kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
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