Prince - America (1985)
Aristocrats on a mountain climb
Making money, losing time
Communism is just a word
But if the government turn over
It'll be the only word that's heard
America, America
God shed his grace on thee
America, America
Keep the children free
Little sister making minimum wage
Living in a 1-room jungle-monkey cage
Can't get over, she's almost dead
She may not be in the black
But she's happy she ain't in the red
America, America
God shed his grace on thee
America, America
Keep the children free
Jimmy Nothing never went 2 school
They made him pledge allegiance
He said it wasn't cool
Nothing made Jimmy proud
Now Jimmy lives on a mushroom cloud
America, America
God shed his grace on thee
America, America
Keep the children free
America, America
God shed his grace on thee
America, America
Keep the children free
Boom, boom, boom, boom
The bomb go
Boom, boom, boom, boom
The bomb go boom.
Teacher, why won't Jimmy pledge allegiance?
Prince - America (1985)
Aristocrats on a mountain climb
Making money, losing time
Communism is just a word
But if the government turn over
It'll be the only word that's heard
America, America
God shed his grace on thee
America, America
Keep the children free
Little sister making minimum wage
Living in a 1-room jungle-monkey cage
Can't get over, she's almost dead
She may not be in the black
But she's happy she ain't in the red
America, America
God shed his grace on thee
America, America
Keep the children free
Jimmy Nothing never went 2 school
They made him pledge allegiance
He said it wasn't cool
Nothing made Jimmy proud
Now Jimmy lives on a mushroom cloud
America, America
God shed his grace on thee
America, America
Keep the children free
America, America
God shed his grace on thee
America, America
Keep the children free
Boom, boom, boom, boom
The bomb go
Boom, boom, boom, boom
The bomb go boom.
Teacher, why won't Jimmy pledge allegiance?
PRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,8kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,2kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,8kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,1kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,4kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,3kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,4kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
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