Prince - 1999 (1982)
Don't worry, I won't hurt U...
I only want U 2 have some fun
(I was dreamin' when I wrote this
Forgive me if it goes astray)
But when I woke up this morning
I could have sworn it was judgment day
(The sky was all purple
There were people runnin' everywhere)
Tryin' to run from the destruction
And you know I didn't even care
'Cuz they say...
2000 zero zero party over oops out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999
I was dreamin' when I wrote this
So sue me if I go too fast
But life is just a party
And parties weren't meant to last
War is all around us
My mind says prepare to fight
So if I gotta die
I'm gonna listen to my body tonight
'Cuz they say...
2000 zero zero party over oops out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999
If you didn't come to…
Prince - 1999 (1982)
Don't worry, I won't hurt U...
I only want U 2 have some fun
(I was dreamin' when I wrote this
Forgive me if it goes astray)
But when I woke up this morning
I could have sworn it was judgment day
(The sky was all purple
There were people runnin' everywhere)
Tryin' to run from the destruction
And you know I didn't even care
'Cuz they say...
2000 zero zero party over oops out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999
I was dreamin' when I wrote this
So sue me if I go too fast
But life is just a party
And parties weren't meant to last
War is all around us
My mind says prepare to fight
So if I gotta die
I'm gonna listen to my body tonight
'Cuz they say...
2000 zero zero party over oops out of time
So tonight I'm gonna party like it's 1999
If you didn't come to…
PRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,3kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,8kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,4kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,4kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,8kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,4kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
5,3kPRINCE - Incomplete Music Video Videography (1979-2015)
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