Jacob Jankowski, a veterinary student, is close to graduating when a terrible tragedy forces him to leave school. With nowhere else to go, he hops on a passing train and finds it belongs to a traveling circus. Jacob takes a job as an animal caretaker and meets Marlena , a beautiful circus performer. Their shared compassion for a special elephant named Rosie leads to love, but August , Marlena's cruel husband, stands in their way.
Jacob Jankowski, a veterinary student, is close to graduating when a terrible tragedy forces him to leave school. With nowhere else to go, he hops on a passing train and finds it belongs to a traveling circus. Jacob takes a job as an animal caretaker and meets Marlena , a beautiful circus performer. Their shared compassion for a special elephant named Rosie leads to love, but August , Marlena's cruel husband, stands in their way.
Oscars Films
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