Wall-e is an animated film made almost entirely by computer, belonging to the genres of science fiction and comedy, released in 2008, directed by Andrew Stanton, and produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios. The plot follows a robot from the WALL • E line, designed to clean the garbage that covers the Earth after it was devastated and abandoned by the human being in the distant future.
Wall-e is an animated film made almost entirely by computer, belonging to the genres of science fiction and comedy, released in 2008, directed by Andrew Stanton, and produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios. The plot follows a robot from the WALL • E line, designed to clean the garbage that covers the Earth after it was devastated and abandoned by the human being in the distant future.
2.4kWalt Disney Movies
376Walt Disney Movies
652Walt Disney Movies
725Walt Disney Movies
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