Ulysses, Ulysses soaring through all the galaxies in search of Earth, flying into the night! Ulysses, Ulysses, fighting evil and tyranny with all his heart and with all of his might! Ulysseee-eee-eees no-one else can do the things you do! Ulysseee-eee-eees like a bolt of thunder from the blue! Ulysseee-eee-eees always fighting all the evil forces, bringing peace and justice to all! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Uly-eeessseess! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Ulysses, Ulysses could not find his destiny leaving earth such a long time ago! (air guitar bit!) Ulysseee-eee-eees like a mighty warrior in the sky! Ulysseee-eee-eees with the small companions by his side! Ulysseee-eee-eees like a king is now protected by the gods from every foe in his way! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Uly-eeessseess! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Ulysseee-eee-eees no-one else can do the things you do! Ulysseee-eee-eees like a bolt of thunder from the blue! Ulysseee-eee-eees always fighting all the evil forces, bringing peace and justice to all! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Uly-eeessseess! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Uly-eeessseess! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Uly-eeessseess! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Uly-eeessseess!
Ulysses, Ulysses soaring through all the galaxies in search of Earth, flying into the night! Ulysses, Ulysses, fighting evil and tyranny with all his heart and with all of his might! Ulysseee-eee-eees no-one else can do the things you do! Ulysseee-eee-eees like a bolt of thunder from the blue! Ulysseee-eee-eees always fighting all the evil forces, bringing peace and justice to all! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Uly-eeessseess! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Ulysses, Ulysses could not find his destiny leaving earth such a long time ago! (air guitar bit!) Ulysseee-eee-eees like a mighty warrior in the sky! Ulysseee-eee-eees with the small companions by his side! Ulysseee-eee-eees like a king is now protected by the gods from every foe in his way! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Uly-eeessseess! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Ulysseee-eee-eees no-one else can do the things you do! Ulysseee-eee-eees like a bolt of thunder from the blue! Ulysseee-eee-eees always fighting all the evil forces, bringing peace and justice to all! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Uly-eeessseess! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Uly-eeessseess! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Uly-eeessseess! It's me Nono, small robot you know, friend of Ulysses! Uly-eeessseess!
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