Monty (Idris Elba), a mechanic, struggles to make ends meet and raise his three young daughters alone. When his drug-dealing ex-wife wins custody of the girls in court, he enlists the help of Julia (Gabrielle Union), a successful attorney, to get the girls back. Romance unexpectedly blooms between the pair, but the couple must come to terms with their very different lives and find a way to keep Monty's family together.
Monty (Idris Elba), a mechanic, struggles to make ends meet and raise his three young daughters alone. When his drug-dealing ex-wife wins custody of the girls in court, he enlists the help of Julia (Gabrielle Union), a successful attorney, to get the girls back. Romance unexpectedly blooms between the pair, but the couple must come to terms with their very different lives and find a way to keep Monty's family together.
Historias de Pasion
5.7kFall In Love
6.3kRomantic Films
622Historias de Pasion
395Romantic Films
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