Directed by Christopher Nolan (2010). Presents Bane (Tom Hardy) as the main villain, and the participation of Anne Hathaway (Catwoman). Marion Cotillard (Talia al Ghul) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Blake) also appear. Gotham has been in peace for eight years, after the Dent Act was passed, which hardened the penalties against the criminals and put them in jail. Batman vanished accused of the murder of Harvey Dent and Bruce Wayne was locked in his mansion, also affected by a problem moving. The arrival of Bane to Gotham takes to Batman to appear again in scene, but facing a rival physically superior to him and to the threat of a nuclear holocaust.
Directed by Christopher Nolan (2010). Presents Bane (Tom Hardy) as the main villain, and the participation of Anne Hathaway (Catwoman). Marion Cotillard (Talia al Ghul) and Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Blake) also appear. Gotham has been in peace for eight years, after the Dent Act was passed, which hardened the penalties against the criminals and put them in jail. Batman vanished accused of the murder of Harvey Dent and Bruce Wayne was locked in his mansion, also affected by a problem moving. The arrival of Bane to Gotham takes to Batman to appear again in scene, but facing a rival physically superior to him and to the threat of a nuclear holocaust.
The Director
427321... Action!!!!
671Movie Record
620Marvel Man
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