Regarded as a founder of Conceptual Art, Sol Lewitt devised guidelines and diagrams that allowed for artworks, such as his wall drawings, to be executed by his assistants. This has led rise to the myth that the artist didn't do work himself, when in fact he worked prolifically - in one summer alone painting more than 260 gouaches and often working seven days a week. Here we learn not just how Lewitt worked, but about the kind of man he was, as remembered by his former assistant Jeremy Ziemman and the curator of the Sol Lewitt Collection, Janet Passehl.
Regarded as a founder of Conceptual Art, Sol Lewitt devised guidelines and diagrams that allowed for artworks, such as his wall drawings, to be executed by his assistants. This has led rise to the myth that the artist didn't do work himself, when in fact he worked prolifically - in one summer alone painting more than 260 gouaches and often working seven days a week. Here we learn not just how Lewitt worked, but about the kind of man he was, as remembered by his former assistant Jeremy Ziemman and the curator of the Sol Lewitt Collection, Janet Passehl.
Locos Por El Arte
609The Artist
342Locos Por El Arte
392Pinta Y Colorea
392Locos Por El Arte
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