The Black Cats tribe suffers the dreadful fate of being hunted, enslaved, and slain. Fran, a twelve-year-old girl of the persecuted race, yearns for vengeance for the crimes committed against her people. She fantasizes about a brighter future, one for which she is willing to get her hands filthy. A meeting with a talking sword, a reborn man yearning for a beautiful wielder, proves to be the turning point in her fate. The young Fran plans to recover her kin's glory and honor with the help of her new comrade, chopping down all her foes along the way. She begins on a quest with her amazing sword and unwavering resolve.
Anime Title: Reincarnated as a Sword
The Black Cats tribe suffers the dreadful fate of being hunted, enslaved, and slain. Fran, a twelve-year-old girl of the persecuted race, yearns for vengeance for the crimes committed against her people. She fantasizes about a brighter future, one for which she is willing to get her hands filthy. A meeting with a talking sword, a reborn man yearning for a beautiful wielder, proves to be the turning point in her fate. The young Fran plans to recover her kin's glory and honor with the help of her new comrade, chopping down all her foes along the way. She begins on a quest with her amazing sword and unwavering resolve.
Anime Title: Reincarnated as a Sword
6.6kCrossover films/shows
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