Film that relates the story, as told by high-school principal Dr. Carroll to parents at a PTA meeting, of the scourge of marijuana.
The tale revolves around Mae and Jack, accomplices in the distribution of marijuana, who manage to entice the local high-school kids to come to Mae's apartment
to smoke reefer.
The lives of all who are involved with this menace are inevitably shattered. One man becomes so addicted to the killer weed that the guilt over framing a teen for murder causes a judge to order him to be committed for life to a mental hospital. Dr. Carroll closes by
advising us to not incur the same tragedy. Inspired by the case of Victor Licata,
who killed his father, mother, two brothers,
and a sister with an ax in Tampa, FL, on 10/16/33,
allegedly while under the influence of marijuana.
Declared unfit to stand trial for reasons of insanity,
subsequent psychiatric examination at the
Florida State Mental Hospital determined that Licata
suffered from schizophrenia with homicidal tendencies.
The Licata case was used to propagandize the passage
of the federal Marijuana Tax Act of 1937
that effectively outlawed legal sales of the "demon weed".
Film that relates the story, as told by high-school principal Dr. Carroll to parents at a PTA meeting, of the scourge of marijuana.
The tale revolves around Mae and Jack, accomplices in the distribution of marijuana, who manage to entice the local high-school kids to come to Mae's apartment
to smoke reefer.
The lives of all who are involved with this menace are inevitably shattered. One man becomes so addicted to the killer weed that the guilt over framing a teen for murder causes a judge to order him to be committed for life to a mental hospital. Dr. Carroll closes by
advising us to not incur the same tragedy. Inspired by the case of Victor Licata,
who killed his father, mother, two brothers,
and a sister with an ax in Tampa, FL, on 10/16/33,
allegedly while under the influence of marijuana.
Declared unfit to stand trial for reasons of insanity,
subsequent psychiatric examination at the
Florida State Mental Hospital determined that Licata
suffered from schizophrenia with homicidal tendencies.
The Licata case was used to propagandize the passage
of the federal Marijuana Tax Act of 1937
that effectively outlawed legal sales of the "demon weed".
Mundial Full HD
10.5kMarcelo Muriel
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