A Hong Kong police detective, Chan (Jackie Chan), works with the CIA to track a mysterious woman named Natasha . She is suspected of delivering money to a terrorist, Jackson Tsui , who is trying to obtain a nuclear warhead from the Russian mob. Traveling from Hong Kong to the Ukraine to Australia, Chan aims to bust up the terrorist plot using his fists as much as his brains, doing battle underwater, on stilts and across mountain tops.
A Hong Kong police detective, Chan (Jackie Chan), works with the CIA to track a mysterious woman named Natasha . She is suspected of delivering money to a terrorist, Jackson Tsui , who is trying to obtain a nuclear warhead from the Russian mob. Traveling from Hong Kong to the Ukraine to Australia, Chan aims to bust up the terrorist plot using his fists as much as his brains, doing battle underwater, on stilts and across mountain tops.
John McClane
5.9kbruh i dont no how no bro i naver lost befor is fine anywayz
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